Briefing 2023

TOPIC 1: Automation and optimisation of crimping tool designs


A crimping process is used to connect cable ends with cable lugs. Currently, the design of crimping tools (matrices) for new cable lug geometries is done manually, based on documented guidelines and empirical values from in-house experts. After setting up sample tools and carrying out tests, a favourable design is confirmed or an iterative need for improvement of the tool geometries becomes apparent.


We are looking for a solution for the optimised and automated design of crimping tools. Existing guidelines are to be mapped and the previously documented die designs and associated results are to be taken into account, for example through machine learning approaches. The aim is to determine the optimal matrices design for a combination of cable type and cable lug.

Click to enlarge!


During the runtime, an (AI-based) prototype algorithm for the design of crimping tools should be developed.


We support by providing hundreds of design data of existing tools of the past years, the related data and evaluation results of crimping connections, as well as (if required) access to MS Azure machine learning tools. Our process experts are also available for meetings and workshops. For the final test of the prototype algorithm, matrices can be made so that crimping tests and assessments of the pressings can take place.

Topic 2: Automated evaluation of crimping micrograph images


In order to evaluate the quality of a crimp between cable lug and stripped cable end, cross-sectional and longitudinal micrographs are made. Currently, the micrographs are evaluated manually based on documented guidelines. The extracted quality parameters are manually compared with target values and a manual report is generated.

Click to enlarge!


We are looking for a solution for the automated evaluation of micrographs of different crimping types. Existing documented guidelines are to be taken into account and an automated report is to be generated afterwards. The aim is to reduce the manual steps to a maximum. If necessary, certain quality features can also be recognised or derived directly from photos of the test specimens, even without a micrograph.


During the runtime, an (AI-based) image recognition and evaluation algorithm for extracting the relevant features including automatic reporting should be developed.


We support you by providing you with micrographs, the associated evaluation results and guidelines, as well as access to the MS Azure Machine Learning Tools (if required). Our process experts are also available for meetings and workshops.

Kick-off video


The main contact persons for the project are Dr. Gerald Zach and Erich Groll from the GG Group.

About GG Group

We are global, family-owned business group, witch produces ca­bles, wires and ca­ble har­nesses for the au­to­mo­tive in­dus­try as well as for spe­cial in­dus­trial ap­pli­ca­tions. Within only few years, Gebauer & Griller (GG Group) has be­come a global player with 11 lo­ca­tions on three con­ti­nents. As out­lined in our mis­sion state­ment, we strive to be lo­cal to our cus­tomers.